Olha Kryvosheieva
Good to know
Olha is teacher at the National University of arts in Kharkiv and actress at the state theatre "Pushkin" in Kharkiv. She participates in the cooperation projects with WHEELS since 2014 as actress and pedagogue.
- coming soon
Wheels Productions
2014 Mitspracherecht - Actress
2015 Mitspracherecht -Actress
2015 HOME - Actress
2016 Neverending Forestsongs - Actress
2016 Ukrainian -German Theatre Festival - Actress
2017 Circo del Mondo - Actress
2018 - NAKT Interfest I/Plündern - Organisation
2019 - NAKT Interfest II/ Meeting spot - Organisation, Concept, Directress
2020 - OK Pacific Videos - Actress